Buying Guide To Choose Engine Oil For A Honda Civic

Knowing when to replace your car’s oil is one of the most challenging aspects of owning a car, but knowing which oil to use is even more difficult.

If your Honda Civic is due for an oil change, you may be asking yourself that question right now. The critical question is which engine oil will be best for Honda Civic. That’s why we looked into it for you and other aspects like cost and how often you should replace your oil. This article will help you choose engine oil for a Honda Civic.

Considerations When Choosing Engine Oil For A Honda Civic

Viscosity and temperature control

When using 0W-20 oil as a consumer, you should know that it relates to the oil’s kinematic viscosity and the coldest temperature it can handle. Fortunately, this oil viscosity is very common, so you won’t have to go on a wild goose chase whenever you need to replenish your oil.

Using a different viscosity of oil like 5w-30 oil

While your automobile should still run, departing from Honda’s recommendations can cause your engine’s performance to deteriorate. The operation may be worse the further it deviates from the standard.

Brand picking

When you consider choosing the oil type, you’ll probably notice that there are numerous options. Regardless of the branding on the outside, the contents of each of those containers are very comparable. You might choose any of the well-known brands. Castrol, Valvoline, Pennzoline, Amazon Basics, and many more brands will work with your Civic’s engine.

Full synthetic and synthetic blend

Do you want to buy full synthetic to achieve the most satisfactory possible performance? Or do you save a little cash using a synthetic blend that performs just as well? Fully synthetic oil isn’t too expensive, costing only a few dollars more every five quarts. We strongly advise spending the extra money on 100% synthetic oil since it will perform better in your engine and last longer.

Read more at: How To Change Oil Honda Civic

The Expense For An Oil Change On A Honda Civic

Changing your car oil will cost you around $100 on average. You will most likely be able to locate a shop that will do it for considerably less. Many factors play a role, including the type of oil used and the region to which it is delivered. We understand that cars come with many expenditures, and you may not want to spend another $100 on something that appears insignificant, but this is critical.

Additionally, you can change the oil yourself to save money. Although it is a very straightforward technique for working on vehicles, you will need some automotive knowledge before starting. You can replace the oil and filter for roughly $40 if you’re confident in your abilities. Suppose you have all of the necessary tools and equipment, which is less than half of what a professional would charge.

How Frequently To Change Oil In A Honda Civic?

Distance recommendation

Honda recommends changing your oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, although that’s probably erring on the side of caution. You may go up to ten thousand miles without changing your oil if you use pure synthetic oil. However, each additional mile increases the risk of driving on old oil. Some daredevils claim to get 15,000 miles on a single oil change, but we don’t advocate it if your Civic’s health is essential to you.

Time recommendation

Even if the oil isn’t being utilized, you should think about changing it after some time has passed and the engine has been idle. If you want to ensure your engine’s oil is always fresh and performing at its best, change it every three months. Your car will be fine if you change it every six months.

What Happens If Take Too Long Without Changing The Oil?

As you drive your car, your engine’s oil will become dirty and thick. Your motor oil will eventually turn into sludge. Don’t let it reach this point because you’ll start noticing many issues with your Civic if it does. Your engine will not only be poorly maintained but also overheat. It’s scorching outside. Your Civic’s engine will be damaged and destroyed due to the heat and friction, and it will eventually be totaled.

Don’t allow one of your car’s most uncomplicated and cheapest maintenance procedures to turn into one of the vehicle’s most serious problems.

Will Synthetic Oil Damage Your Engine?

Synthetic oil, contrary to popular opinion, will not harm your engine. But it used to be the case. When synthetic oil was initially introduced decades ago, it contained esters. These chemical components cause seals in older engines to wear out. 

In conclusion, synthetic oil is now perfectly safe for your older Honda Civic engine!

Benefits Of Using Synthetic Oil

Synthetic oil comes with a whole lot of benefits that make the high price tag worth it:


Dinosaur juice does not fare well in hot weather since it:

  • Waxes are present, which slow down the flow at low temperatures.
  • At high temperatures, it does not oxidize evenly.
  • When heated at a high temperature, it thins out.

In severe temperatures, synthetic oil, on the other hand, flows significantly better. It also transfers heat better, allowing your Civic’s engine to operate cooler.

Molecular Consistency

Larger and more inconsistently sized molecules in conventional oil lead to higher oil consumption and early sludge accumulation. Because all of the molecules in synthetic oil are the same size, none of these issues arise. These characteristics allow the oil to flow more freely and aids in the removal of sludge from the system.


Conventional motor oil quickly degrades when exposed to air and heat. As a result, you’ll have to change the oil frequently. Because synthetic oil is far more resistant to oxygen and heat, you won’t have to deal with this issue. It lasts longer and requires less frequent replacement.

Better Fuel Economy

Switching to synthetic oil improves your fuel economy by about 2% to 3% on average. It’s because the internal engine friction is reduced.

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Can Synthetic Oil Be The Best One For Your Civic?

It is dependent on some factors.

  • Your driving frequency: If you don’t travel very often, synthetic oil will benefit you because conventional oil breaks down quickly, even when not used, whereas synthetic oil will last longer.
  • Your driving habits: If you drive your Civic a lot, synthetic is a good choice. It’s because your engine requires air movement to stay calm. Synthetic oil, unlike regular oil, can assist keep your engine cool while idle. Suppose you use your Civic for something other than commuting, such as racing. In that case, synthetic oil is a good choice because it provides additional protection.
  • The engine’s age and conditions: Because synthetic oil has homogeneous molecules, it’s more likely to slip through the rings and cylinder wall as it ages. Stick with conventional oil if your engine is already prone to leaks and excessive oil consumption with traditional oil. 
  • Your location: Synthetic oil is more adaptable than conventional oil at harsh temperatures and in thin air. Therefore it’s best to live in a hot, cold, or high-altitude region.

Compared to conventional engine lubricants, Honda Genuine Ultimate Full Synthetic Motor Oil is made with synthetic base stocks that provide enhanced performance benefits. It gives protection against viscosity breakdown and deposit formation at high temperatures and decreased volatility for less oil consumption. Faster oil circulation at low temperatures for a more straightforward starting and better protection during cold starts are just a few advantages. For gasoline engines, Honda Genuine Ultimate Full Synthetic Motor Oil meets or surpasses API SN and ILSAC GF-6 performance criteria. It’s “Resource Conserving” for better fuel economy and emissions system catalyst protection.


Choosing the right suitable type of oil for your car can be time-consuming. We hope our assistance can help you make an informed decision about Which Engine Oil Is Best For Honda Civic. If you want to replace your oil with another type like synthetic oil, take our information as a piece of advice.